Legal Review Of The Rights Of Disabled In The UAE
By: Dr. Maryam (Krystyna) Nechaeva
UAE implemented a series of steps to implement measures for people with special needs after joining the world Convention by means of huge changes in the governmental sector giving more attention to these people and their future.
Governmental and local authorities created an environment for this group of citizens with a separate budget regulation of public meaning and established special departments to support and present the rights for disabled people such as
– Disabilities Affairs,
– Youth and Sports Authority;
– Sharjah City for Humanitarian Service;
– Dubai Club for the Disabled
Only specific group of people is determined as disabled under Article 26 of Federal Law No.29 of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People with Special Needs such as suffering from a temporary or permanent, full or partial deficiency or infirmity in physical, sensory, mental, communicational, educational or psychological abilities to an extent that limits the possibility of performing the ordinary requirements.
The same law No.29 of 2006 provided for these people scope of rights but not limited to educational rights, right to the workplace including public sector for UAE nationals, cultural, family and sports rights ext. These rights can be easily implemented through special organizations that provide preparatory work for future candidates and students depends on professional and special skills.
In Support of the Federal law No.29 of 2006 the Ruler of Dubai, issued Law No. 2 of 2014 “To protect the rights of people of determination in the emirate of Dubai” providing high-quality medical care and social services, boost public awareness and contribute to integrating people of determination into society and reaffirm their participation in social development.
Talking about the legal rights of disabled people it’s important to classify the type of the disease and the level of capacity. Federal law No.29 of 2006 has a lack of classification and might be amended in future to include this contribution. However, according to Personal Status Law No.28 of 2005 disables person has a right to have guardian and custodian to present his rights and provide further protection. The priority is given to eliminate the guardianship of persons with disabilities and support their independence rather than limit their functioning, widen their access to basic and social services, and ensure that their voices were heard in the development of laws and policies.
In conclusion, it is grateful to observe that UAE plans to develop rules and regulation for the need of disabled people and keeps modifying legal perspectives and directions to integrate people with disabilities in the daily life and local environment. The latest initiative of the Dubai government is an overall goal to become the world’s most disabled-friendly cities, preparing new standards for buildings, parks, hospitals, infrastructure and transport by 2020.